We cover a wide range of sectors, from private, corporate, public and government facilities.

We deploy relevant staff to suit the needs of clients and provide a comprehensive solution to secure building sites.

Building Sites / Construction

Commonly, manned guards are deployed to protect building sites.

Security is often weak, especially when work has finished for the day and the site is empty, so a visual presence is key to reducing crime. Review our statistics and tips below to avoid becoming a victim to crime.

Statistics for Plant Theft in the UK

According to research, Allianz Cornhill reported £70 million pounds of Plant Equipment was stolen in a single year.

It estimated that the UK construction industry is now losing over £800 million a year, when other costs associated with plant theft are taken into account.

Advise for Protecting Building Sites

  • Hire Security Guards to provide a visible deterrent (Manned Guarding)
  • If  Manned Guards are not available, make use of CCTV / Intruder Alarms
  • Utilise effective sensor security lights
  • Make use of the National Plant and Equipment Register (TER)
  • Use fencing which allows neighbours/passers by to see in (Heras fencing). It may not be the most secure, but suspect activity can be reported more easily.
  • Control access on site via security posts / entry systems
  • Secure access to all buildings, especially site buildings where confidential information may be stored
  • Workman should be advised to security mark their tools and equipment
  • Vehicles should be locked up in safe, secure, well lit areas with keys stored separately in secured / monitored areas
  • Any tools and equipment left overnight, should be locked up and secured by CCTV and / or intruder alarm systems
  • Provide notices on site for public to easily see contact numbers to use if suspicious activity is identified
  • Site materials such as pipe, trunking and electrical cables etc should be locked up in secure areas protected by CCTV, intruder alarms and/or security patrols.
  • Register your equipment with CESAR marking scheme to help protect your plant equipment and improve your chances of recovery

Smart Water Protection

Consider use of the Smart Water system to aid in identification of thieves / stolen equipment.

Building Site Security

Manned Guards are frontline security staff who operate either during the day, overnight or both.

Their key role is to protect property and assets, from damage or theft.

They can be deployed as a team or in a single role and can work with CCTv and Dogs (if required) to maintain a secure and strong visual deterrent for would-be thieves.

When do Manned Guards work?

We provide 24 hour cover 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

How many Manned Guards do you need?

The numbers of security staff deployed depends on your specific requirements. We have a stringent lone worker policy in place. They have to maintain routine call-ins to our software system – if they miss a call we are notified immediately.

Security Qualifications

We have SIA Qualified and Licensed CCTV staff

Decreasing Police Presence

With decreasing Police presence and limited ability for them to respond to minor situations, Manned Guarding Security Officers have increasingly been employed to cover public spaces, funded by local councils for the role of visible security.

Get in touch

Contact So Secure to discuss building site security and hiring of Manned Guards to keep your site secure.

Click here for our main Manned Guarding page.

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  1. […] For example, when it comes to building site, the risk is greater while the work is in progress, not after the builders have finished and moved on. Read more on building site security here. […]

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