Building Site & Construction Security
Security Solutions for Construction Sites
in London, Kent & the Southeast
Security Solutions for Construction Sites
in London, Kent & the Southeast
Security solutions for the construction industry
UK Construction site theft costs millions of pounds each Year. This is a shocking statistic and covers theft alone, never mind the disruption to business and delays caused.
Our SIA-trained security operatives proactively deter criminals from stealing or damaging property on building sites.
Building Site Security Operatives are typically required to:
Our security guards are deployed where a physical presence is required. The security officer may be required to monitor, patrol and/or perform surveillance, to pro-actively maintain order and act as a deterrent to thieves or troublemakers.
So Secure deploy SIA trained security guards to protect building sites throughout London, Kent and the Southeast.
Get in touch with So Secure today and discuss options.
It is of the utmost importance for us to ensure that our staff is So Secure and fully trained to the latest standards. Each member of staff is SIA approved and vetted. As an SIA ACS-approved security firm, we benefit from continuous updates relating to drug awareness, anti-terrorism, first aid, and additional information relevant to the services we provide.